sábado, febrero 25, 2012

Milano marcado en Labiano

Nuestros amigos alemanes que vinieron a hacer la película sobre la vida del milano real estuvieron bastante atentos y observaron este milano real marcado y, como se ve, le hicieron unas cuantas fotos... parece un milano francés por el tipo de marcas. Habrá que encontrar su origen...

at 29th January 18 - 19 o'clock, and 30th January 7.50 o'clock in the tree at the allotment garden.


Observaciones de milanos marcados en Navarra

Para información general me pasa Jesús Mari Lekuona este resumen del número de milanos marcados en Navarra hasta la fecha y algunas de las observaciones a las que han dado lugar.

viernes, febrero 03, 2012

Wintering Red kites in Italy, January 2012

Resultados del censo de milanos reales invernantes en Italia.

De: egidio fulco [mailto:egidiofulco@yahoo.it]
Enviado el: miércoles, 01 de febrero de 2012 15:01
Asunto: Wintering Red kites in Italy, January 2012

Dear all,

Red kite census in Italy on January 7th, 8th and 9th 2012 

more than 100 volunteers participated in the census conducted in mid December 2011 and on 7-9 January 2012.
In December we counted 1.496 - 1.531 Red Kites in 29 roosts (18 Black kites).

In January, despite a better
 site coveragelower values ​​were obtained with 1424 - 1463 Red Kites in 34 roosts (11 Black kites).

It's possible that the bad weather of January have affected the final result, but we think that a fraction of the resident Red Kites has already committed in the early breeding stages and therefore not linked to the local roost.

This year the first nuptial flights were observed on January 4th.

Over 65of wintering Red Kites were concentrated in Basilicata (Southern Italy) where are found some of the larger roosts (124, 160 and 235 individuals).

Next week we will prepare a document with the results for each region and with the detailed information for each roost 

Yours sincerely,

Egidio Fulco

Dr. Egidio Fulco
Studio naturalistico MILVUS
Via F.lli Perito snc, 85010 Pignola (PZ)
tel./Fax: +39.0971.421565
cell.: +39.338.1305096
E-mail: info@studiomilvus.it
web: www.studiomilvus.it

Wintering Red kites in Switzerland, January 2012

Resultados del censo de milano real en Suiza.

De: Adrian Aebischer [mailto:adaebischer@pwnet.ch]
Enviado el: domingo, 29 de enero de 2012 13:19
Asunto: Wintering Red kites in Switzerland, January 2012

Dear all,

Red kite census in Switzerland on January 7th and 8th 2012
76 volunteers controlled all 56 known Red kite roosts in Switzerland. All in all, 1815 Red kites were counted at 39 occupied sites. One third of all sites comprised more than 60 individuals with a maximum of 196 birds at one site. 14% of all kites were juveniles (born in 2011). The roosts were situated at altitudes between 350 m and 1000 m above sea level. The birds are fed in 70% of all regions at least.
It is the highest ever counted January number in Switzerland. There was only a 7% decrease since end of November 2011 when 1946 kites were counted. Snow cover was almost completely absent below 700 m asl. between the two counts.


nb: If anyone is intersted in getting the full report on the January 2011 census in Switzerland (written in German or French), feel free to contact me.